Wednesday 28 October 2009

The Crit

Yesterday we had our final crit, were we reviewed our websites and got feedback. I had managed to get my site live on the web and was pleased that everything worked when it came to presenting it.
I got some great feedback and advice on things I had not picked up on. It was pointed out to me that the wood in the background of my pages was slightly pixelated. This is an annoying error, but easily fixed. In terms of the design it was pointed out to me that the work pagess do not correlate so well with the other pages, in that they do not really look like a desktop because the images have just been placed on in a grid system. I think I will add drop shadows and try to make the images look like they are on pieces of paper on the desk.
Overall I am very happy with the site I have produced and have enjoyed making it, but I will take into account the advice I was given and make these changes to better my site.

Monday 26 October 2009

She's Live!

Having wrestled with fireworks and dreamweaver for the past week or so my website is finally online. In terms of linking and rollovers etc I didn't have too much trouble... bar a few seemingly impossible to fix errors! For example simple rollovers that worked in fireworks but not in dreamweaver. After struggling with this for a few days I finally decided to learn how to do rollovers in dreamweaver, which also caused problems! Finally worked in the end though.

Luckily the uploading of the site to the internet was fairly smooth and I had the ftp details from uni.

All in all I am pleased with the site. I think that it is personal to me and isn't too corporate looking, but at the same time does look professional enough for a portfolio site. For my next site I well definitely be more adventurous in terms of my design, as this site could have been more adventurous. I was quite cautious as I had never used FW or DW before and found the software quite difficult to grasp.

Here is the link to the site:

Hope You like it.

Final Pages

Here are the final designs for all the pages of my website. My theme the whole way through is the desktop. The background for all the pages is my pine desk and the different pages have different elements on the desk.


This was obviously the first page that I designed and was the basis for all the other pages.
I am happy with this page and i continued the wooden desk theme on to all of the other pages. I feel this is a nice opening image, which is not too corporate looking.


For this page I used the desk background from my home page and added two elements. One is a photograph of myself, to which I added a white polaroid-esque border. The other element is the page which contains the text. This is a hand-written page from my notebook that I scanned and then cut out in photoshop. I made sure to add drop shadows to the two elements to make them appear as they were actually set on the desk. The paragraph itself is fairly minimal but I didn't think a lot of information was necessary.

WORK (illustration, photography, branding) :

My 'My Work' page splits into three sections at the bottom of the page; illustration, photography and branding. I considered different ways of presenting the images, for example on a sketchbook on the desk and on a mac screen, but I felt that these took away from the work itself. In the end as you can see I used a fairly traditional grid layout. It is fairly simple but I feel it works well.


For this page i figured that an iphone was the ideal object to use. I tried putting the contact information on the phone screen itself, but it looked very unnatural because of the glare on the glass. In the end I used this block of type idea, which I feel really stands out and is easily read.

Monday 12 October 2009


A sketch I coloured in photoshop as part of my research for the 'bodies' project.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


This is my understanding of how a wireframe for my website should look...

How the 'work' page might look...

Revised Web Idea...

Better with menu bar at the top? This would mean the image isn't interactive, but possibly looks more professional? Also this isn't the final image that I'm going to use, needs more elements (laptop, iphone). Now, wire-framing eh......